Tamas Serfozo2024-04-17 A pár nap, amit itt eltöltöttünk valóban a felüdülést, a pihenést jelentette számunkra, a "kicsit elbújás a világ elől" minden szépségével együtt. Miklós Horváth2023-10-31 És tényleg "elvonulós ház"...😌 Gyönyörű helyen, nagyon szép-hangulatos hely. Remek kandalló tűz elött üldögélős-borozgatós esték. Zsuzsi Mráz2023-09-30 Az eddigi legmegnyugtatóbb és legtermészetközelibb hely, ahol az országban jártam. Jó lenne minden nap ide hazatérni. Ha megérem az öregkort mindenképpen ilyen varázslatos helyen szeretnék élni. Legszívesebben mindhárom napot a teraszon borozgatva, olvasgatva töltöttem volna. Nagy kedvencem a Mátra a bámulatos erdők miatt, de ez a hely még azt is felülmúlta. Biztosan visszatérünk még a jövőben. Köszönjük az élményt. 2023-ban is visszatértünk. Visszahívott a tavalyi élmény, a hétköznapi taposómalom előli menekülés. Az idei látogatás sokkal több pihenéssel telt. Könyvolvasás a teraszon/ függőágyban, körülöttünk mókusok és színpompás madarak, este pedig bekuckózós kandallós semmittevés. Idei évben újdonsággal is találkoztunk, a terasz melletti dézsafürdővel. Javaslom az őrségi reggeli kihasználását a foglaláskor. Eszti szívét lelkét beleteszi, hogy helyi finomságokkal jól induljon mindenki napja. Feltöltődtünk emlékkel, ami az elkövetkező évre plusz energiát ad majd! Köszönjük idén is!🌿🌿🌿 Laszlo Gombos2023-08-26 Kisebb dombon van egy erdő mellett. Az út 3 helyen mélyen kátyús, érdemes tehát odafigyelni. A ház szép, értelmes koncepció alapján épült, udvar rendezett. Berendezés szép, igényes, könyvek, játékok is vannak. WC a fürdőszobában van. Sajnos nem klimatizált, érdemes reggel szellőztetni. A felszereltséghez jó lenne egy mikro is. Hűtő kapacitása egy családnak éppen elegendő, hűtő tehát nem nagy. Szúnyogháló sokat segítene legalább egy ablakon, az erdő miatt elég sok a szúnyog. Szauna fafűtésű, ezért a tulaj felárat kér (5000 Ft/ kis kosár). Összességében szép, nyugalmas hely. Norbert Vidó2023-08-12 Adnék akár tízszer ennyi csillagot is Bence Kincses2023-06-15 We come at least twice a year, just fabolous.Több betöltése
It's a magical place, perhaps the most atmospheric place I've ever been (and I've slept in quite a few places)! We were waiting half a year for it, but it was worth it.
It is a magic place, fairytale forest with all the comfort. All you need for a retreat, staying in complete peace of mind, within breathtakingly beautiful nature.
A truly magical place, harmoniously connected to the wonderful nature of Őrség National Park. A fairytale empire with heart, love, pampering maximalism and harmonious energies.
A unique and cozy space in every detail, designed with organic shapes and materials. a dream environment, a perfect place for recharging!
We spent 2 memorably beautiful days in this place, a fairytale house in a fabulous environment, every corner is a piece of art.
This place... suddenly you find yourself on the edge of a forest in a wonderful cottage, where modern eco-architecture is uniquely combined with the natural and sustainable solutions of our ancestors. I recommend it to those who want to relax and to those are planning a sustainable life, as it is relaxing, teaching and motivating at the same time!
It is an excellent place for retreats and gatherings for friends. The environment is beautiful, the buildings have a fantastic vibes, and the sauna with the little lake is something truely phenomenal!
Give the gift of experience instead of objects. The few days you spend with us are guaranteed to be a lasting experience... Our personalized voucher is sure to be a hit!
The property is designed for up to 10 people, in 2 houses and in a yurt, in 3 bedrooms in the big house an apartment in the small one and the full featured heatable yurt with a small kitchen.
We love pets they can also accompany you to us. The “rental fee” for dogs and cats is 5000huf /12.5eur /pet/night. What is also important to say here is that the land is not fenced, it is surrounded by forest with all kinds of other living creatures, for whom our garden is a meadow and the small lake from which they can quench their thirst. So please only bring pets who can respect this!
Yes! During your stay here only you will be on the property, the house is yours only, both houses if you are at least 6 people and also the yurt if you are more then 8... The sauna, the hot tub, the yoga sanctuary, the outdoor kitchen, the fireplace are all yours!
If you cancel your reservation more than 2 weeks prior your arrival, the entire amount of the reservation fee will be refunded. If you cancel within 2 weeks, we will try to find other people to take your place, and if we succeed we can return your reservation fee. But in case we can’t, we will not be able to refund your money.
Small children up to the age of 2 if they sleep with you, can come for free. Those older than this are considered full persons.
Yes. There is a gas cooking facility, an electric oven, all kinds of machines (except microwave), tea, coffee, spices, oils... And yes! we also have a coffee maker! …an italian style clucky one 😀
Sure! And we have large pots for that. We also have a pizza (and bread) oven in the outdoor kitchen.
You can arrive at 3 p.m. and stay until 11 a.m. on the day of departure.
We have a wood-heated tile stove and a fireplace, which you can use for creating as much heat as you want. If you don't want to fiddle with wood heating you won't get cold either, because every room has electric heating panels, from mid-October till April they are set to 20 degrees. (21 degrees in the bathroom) If you want warmer than that, you can do it with wood heating. But please consider the firewood has an additional cost of 5000 huf / 12.5eur /basket
We don’t have electric aircon but in the summer the forest that surrounds us is a natural air conditioner. Trust me, you don't need more! But if you do, the hot tub, the small lake, or the garden shower will surely cool you down!😉
Yes, but for the firewood used for heating them has a cost. Each basket of firewood on you use is 5000 huf / 12.5 eur
Yes. Dry, stove-ready firewood is waiting for you in the wood storage in the small house. We prepare 1 basket of wood for the house, but for the usage of firewood above this, you should to pay a price of 5000 huf / 12.5 eur /basket
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